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Best Cities by Crime Rate Near Chance, MD

Crime Index Rank of City within 50 miles of Chance, MD

A total of 39 results found. Show Results on Map. The crime index value is calculated based on the data using USA.com algorithms. It is an indicator of the crime level in a region. Higher crime index value means more crime.

RankCrime Index ▲City / Population
1.64Bloxom, VA / 422
2.187Oxford, MD / 524
3.249Warsaw, VA / 1,229
4.322White Stone, VA / 395
5.441Ocean Pines, MD / 10,727
6.730Preston, MD / 967
7.749Trappe, MD / 1,196
8.755Frankford, DE / 912
9.816Chincoteague, VA / 2,933
10.885Onancock, VA / 1,226
11.957Parksley, VA / 941
12.1,025Kilmarnock, VA / 1,513
13.1,162Dagsboro, DE / 939
14.1,208Berlin, MD / 4,520
15.1,229Snow Hill, MD / 2,720
16.1,236Onley, VA / 502
17.1,246Blades, DE / 1,335
18.1,496Exmore, VA / 1,595
19.1,497Greenwood, DE / 1,182
20.1,610Crisfield, MD / 2,698
21.1,767Easton, MD / 16,541
22.1,969Delmar, MD / 3,007
23.1,973Bridgeville, DE / 2,359
24.2,047Selbyville, DE / 2,535
25.2,059Delmar, DE / 1,606
26.2,169Denton, MD / 4,361
27.2,171Hurlock, MD / 2,056
28.2,381Saint Michaels, MD / 1,061
29.2,570Millsboro, DE / 3,987
30.2,842Pocomoke City, MD / 4,170
31.2,907Fruitland, MD / 5,028
32.3,194Cambridge, MD / 12,511
33.3,210Federalsburg, MD / 2,695
34.3,394Princess Anne, MD / 3,337
35.3,419Seaford, DE / 7,163
36.3,593Georgetown, DE / 6,650
37.3,941Laurel, DE / 3,842
38.4,683Salisbury, MD / 31,334
39.8,130Ocean City, MD / 7,093

Please note that we only rank locations with 'Crime Index' data. The rank above might not be a complete list. Locations without 'Crime Index' data are not listed.

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